Permitted modification in bikes

Modified bike is a craze of course !

There is NO discrimination in this craze.

Both male and female irrespective of age and social status enjoy bike riding as well as bike modifications.

The satisfaction level of a  cross country ride and that too in modified bike is amazing.And large number of people do enjoy the experiences of the marvelous rides it.They keep lot of loving memories of such rides.

Sometimes,certain modifications are inevitable when a cross country ride or long ride is concerned. Need to stack lot of inevitable belongings,water storage,and even fuel reserve etc.Lot of things will come to the list of inevitable when a ride is concerned.

For law abiding citizen,they try their level best to avoid such bike modification except those made as part of ride for convenience. The  structural features of bike remains  un altered.Some extra fittings are required.Extra light is one of the main thing.

The rest want total modification including  changes in the basic features like  Brake,Handle,Wheel Discs ,Head Lights and Silencer,LED strip lights.The list go lengthy.

Hence the question is What is the permissible limits of bike modification?

Yes ,Indeed certain level of modification on bikes are allowed or not charged.

Before checking the level of allowed or admissible level of bike modification,Lets Have a look on how the manufacturing process of bikes takes place. 

The Making of Bikes

The Law of the land governing manufacturing and operation or use of a motor bike in our country is The Central Motor Vehicles Act 1988 and The Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 or CMVR 1989. 

Every motor  bike is made by the manufacturer according to the Proto- Type Approval Certificate    (T A C) granted by the accredited  testing agencies. The T A C is granted by the testing agencies after conducting  various test procedures stipulated in the C M V Rules and also in  the Automotive  India Standards or Corresponding IS standards.

When T A C is granted  it means that the bike  made by the manufacturer  is complying the regulations  made in the Rules.

The manufacturer  makes the vehicle according to the T A C.Any variation  is made by the manufacturer  in any of the components  mentioned  in the TAC it is liable  for action under section  182A  Motor Vehicles  Act.The  dealer is also equally responsible for the offence .The Act Says :

Whoever being a manufacturer or importer or dealer of the motor vehicles sells or delivers or alters or offer to sell or deliver or alter a motor vehicle that is in contravention of the provision of Chapter VII or the rules and regulations made thereunder shall be punishable with imprisonment  for a term that may extends upto one year or for a fine  up to one lakhs per such vehicle  

As per section  182 A (1) ,sale or offer to sale or delivery of a motor vehicle which is altered  in contravention of the provision of Chapter VII  or  rules and regulation made thereunder is liable to be punished under this section.

Similarly  Sec 182 A (4) , Registered Owner  ,who make  any modifications  in a vehicle by alteration or by retro fitment  ,in a manner not permitted under the act or rules or regulations mentioned in the Central  Motor Vehicles  Rules 1989,shall be punished with  imprisonment ,which may extends up to 6 months or fine up to 5000/- for each such alteration or with both.

The Law is Clear 

Every bike manufactured in the country shall be according to the Type Approval Certificate and  no dealer shall sell such a bike not complying the TAC. The owner shall not make any modification on his bike including by means of retro fitment.

Non Compliance of  these provisos shall attract punishment as mentioned in the legal Provision. 

But,How Much Is possible?

That is the question discussed here.

No alteration shall be made in contravention of CMVR and TAC.

Only allowed modification is fitment of Spot Lights in front of the vehicle and that too need the approval of Registering Authority.

Majority of Enforcement officer view bike modification ,like fitment of addition water can fuel can as well as a carriage box etc on more compassionate ground understanding the need of the time and give relaxations.In literal terms such fitment may also come to the list of illegal bike modifications.

The spread of rumor that MVD is charging for each and every bike modification without justice is base less.They are charging for substantial offences only.

But high level modification like change in Silencer to  produce harsh sound.changes in Handle Bars Changes in Brakes ,Changes in   wheel discs etc are major modification and which will attract challan form enforcement officers.

Best Practice

Its always best to keep away from un necessary bike Modifications .Especially Modification of Silencer unit will attract public wrath .Other Modifications like Brake,Tyres,Discs,Handle bars etc raise threat to the safety of Rider,Pillion rider as well as Public.

Hence its  better to stand away from Bike Modification beyond the permissible legal limits.


Sec  182 A 1  to 4  Motor Vehicles Act 1988
