FIR and GD entry

Road accidents

Number of vehicles plying in our roads are increasing day to day.Increased travel demand of people are met by these vehicels.It may be Public service Vehicels or Private Vehicles.
These vehicles are often include in road accidents.According to the State Police Data base, around      41111 accidents  were took place in the state of kerala ,including  fatal and non fatal accidents .
As a common practice ,all accidents  ended with  death ,Serious injuries are booked  under IPC,by recording FIR against the   accused or suspected accused .
However,in the cases of Non injury cases., only 1316  FIR were registered  in the year 2019 in Kerala.
It doesn't mean that  in this state only this much accidents are occurred in the last year.The difference is that only cases with death or injuries are registered with FIR .Also  in very few non injury  cases FIR registered by the Police.

Accident without Injuries

Lot of accidents are occurring in this state without resulting in any injuries ,lucky to the involved person.Even though no bodily injuries reported,the vehicles involved in the accident may have suffered lot of d90 damages some time extensive damages.Thanks to the Life saving Measures adopted in our vehicles stage by stage,In such case the remaining  question  relates to insurance claim only.Even though the exact number of such incidence are not known,it will be  at least 10 folds higher than the reported cases.

General Diary Or GD Entry

In Such cases normally if no complaints are not received by the  concerned police station having jurisdiction,the matter will be entered in to a General Diary Maintained in the Police Station.The Entry made in the Diary is known as GD entry.The GD entry will have  Date of occurrence of incident,Time,Place and other relevant Matters.


FIR means First Information Report as mentioned in Criminal Procedure Code  or Setting Criminal law in to motion.FIR  is registered against accused or suspected accused etc.This will include the penal provisos included in the incidence.

Penal provisions under IPC in case of Road Accidents

Section 279 IPC is mandatory in cases with negligence on the part of accused.It may be noted that around 90 % of Road accidents are occurred due to human negligence .In such cases 279 will be inserted.For  simple injuries Sec 337 and  for 338 will be inserted.In case of death due to the negligence  304 A  will be inserted.

Vehicle Theft Cases

Recording FIR is mandatory to make claim  in case of theft of vehicles.The FIR to be registered at the police station   having jurisdiction over the place where the theft of vehicle occurred.

Difference Between GD and FIR

When an FIR is recorded in an accident case,it shall be submitted before the JFCM Court having jurisdiction.The court will make the final judgment after  conducting trial procedures.It may end in punishment or acquittal.Option for Pleading Guilty is also possible .In such cases the accused need to pay the sum decided by the Magistrate as fine.
GD Entry is just an office procedure followed by police station to record events reported,When  a complaint received in a matter then FIR will be registered,In Motor Vehicles Accident Case majority prefer GD Entry.It will be sufficient to submit before the Insurance Authorities.GD entry is just like an entry in a  personnel diary.
