Cycling as Last Mile Connectivity

Cycling is one of the best option for last Mile connectivity in kochi city.Because the Kochi Metro Service as well as the proposed Kochi Water Metro require better and safe Connectivity between the start and end points of journeys. 

Last mile connectivity plays vital role in the success of the mass transportation facilities.People using such facilities are expecting different level of comfort matching their life styles.Cycling suits to majority of the commuters  using the Mass Transportation as well as other city travelers. It offer convenience as well as accessibility to certain places where motoring is prohibited as a result of traffic regulation in the city .The other advantages of cycling are  affordability,environment friendly ,reduction in traffic congestion  as well as keep them healthy. 

Cycling  is an active mode of transportation that has been in existence  years back even before the invention of Internal Combustion Engines and subsequent production of vehicles.Cycling require physical input when compared to other mode of transportation

The unorganized form of cycling is still existing in the city .Few people preferably skilled workers still opt cycle as means of transport between  home and work places and back.They own cycle to meet their travelling needs.It may be due to the nonavailability of  proper transportation facility or due to the high expenditure they could afford.

For developing  cycling as a popular means of transport as well as a connectivity ,lot of efforts are needed.The prime concern is to provide a safe and comfortable infrastructure for the movement of cycles.

We have seen lot of beautiful cycle paths all over the world.But creation of such paths in our cities are not easy.The reason is want of sufficient space for the path.The path as well as the intersections need to be safe .Moreover the cyclist need to develop a confidence that cycling is safe in our paths.

Secondly there shall be an intensive awareness program among the city dwellers as well as travelers that the cycling is one of the best ,safe and economical mode of transport and shall give discounts or bonus for use of cycles in city limits.

It is a better option to  make certain market place like Broadway  or Convent Junction or part of MG Road  as dedicated cycling area for a stipulated   time  for providing easy shopping and free movements.All other form of vehicular traffic need to be prohibited to ensure safety of the cyclist .This will promote  sales of commodities as well tourism also.

Next components is how to provide cycles as and when required.The Kochi Metro Has provided cycles at various metro stations ,but not wise to  think the attempt was a success.There must have a free flow of cycles at various location of the city where people gather  for any purpose.All the Metro Stations,Bus stations,Railway Stations shall have cycles stand with sufficient strength of cycles.

Affordability is another component.We have seen cycling in the city as a mode to save money.Now we are converting it as a mode of connectivity.By making such connectivity lot of people,who are using other means of transport,might prefer to Metro service or any other mass transport facilities.To achieve this goal wide spread campaign with offers need to be provided.This will attract commuters to opt cycling as a means for travelling inside the city.

The existing example of cycle track also need to be examained.The KMRL has established cycle track between Aluva Metro Station and Pulinchod Junction at both side of the road.But it looks ,response is very poor.Hence the cause of poor response as well as measure to improve the track etc need to be studied.

A well planned cycle infrastructure will be an added advantage of the city .
