Black Listing of Vehicles

With the introduction of VAHAN  application, nation wide Black Listing of Vehicles are possible. When any  action is pending against any vehicle at any of the RTO, the respective authorities can black list the vehicle in the VAHAN portal. Officers competent to do black listing can do it any time.

Black listing  of a particular vehicle is nothing more than temporary blockade of further service of that vehicle.

For Example if a vehicle is black listed by one RTO  for a valid ground, and the owner of the vehicle or purchaser apply for Transfer of Ownership at another RTO, that service will be prevented for clearing the   cause which led to the black listing of the vehicle by the  first RTO. When  it is cleared the  RTO which black listed the vehicle or on proof  of clearing the Subsequent RTO can Cancel the Black Listing of the vehicle. When Black listing is released the vehicle is normal as any other vehicle. Black Listing is not a black mark in future transaction.

Valid Grounds For Black Listing

  • Pending Traffic Offence against the Vehicle
  • Pending Tax or other Revenue dues in respect of this vehicle
  • Objection by any person seeking prevention of service due to disputes
  • E Challans.
  • Over Speed Challans
  • Direction by the Courts 
  • Any other valid ground as the authority deems fit

E Challan and Black Listing

When E challan is prepared against a vehicle it is a valid reason for black listing a vehicle.The concerned officer will enter the vehicle in to black list to prevent further service without clearing the charge alleged in the E challan. When the charge is compounded  Black list will be removed by the officer.Then the vehicle will be ready for transaction through VAHAN.
To Verify Black List Status :

Advantages of Black Listing

Lot of cases are prepared against  vehicles moving on road,both private and Public,for various violations of motor vehicles laws as well as in shortage in remittance of tax or similar grounds.With the introduction of unified portal  pan india,an action pending in any state can be traced by E challan as well as Black listing.Black listing will increase the Revenue Generation of the state as well as active tool for prevention of traffic violation and there by reduction in road accidents.
