Attention : New Drivers

ATTENTION of New drivers who obtained driving license after passing test of competency are requested  just for a moment !

For what purpose ? you may ask when you read this.
No Doubt you are capable to drive your class of vehicle on any road after passing test of competence for the class.
Now you have it.So you are the best.
But i would like to tell something diffrent.

You miss one important element while driving the vehicle on road so you need to be very care ful.
What the hell is that?
Experience  on road as a driver or rider
Experience to  forsee the road condition and anticipation
Experience to handle rough road users
Expereicne to handle..........
Hey lot of things connected to experience are coming.
Is experience matter that much?
My answer is BIG Yes.
I feel experienced  crews may admit my version.
Yes Experience can some time save you from  un happy events.
Is it true?

Experienced drivers could anticipate lot of things happening on the road.
They could easily anticipate the movement of pedestrians ,if he is fit to think.
In Indian road condition,majoiryt of  road are not lane seprated highways.The  vehicles form both the direction are using the undivided road space.Some times aggression is the main phenomina visibile on roads.In such situation  the expericne of  driving in such condition will help you lot.Because some times you can see vehicle form opposite side is approching you stealing your space on road.What will you do?

Either you   steer the vehicle to the left or  attempt to stop the vehicle by applying brake or steer away to the opposite side.
If you see this first time as a driver  you may be frightend for just a second  and will do any thing mentioned above.If you are doing the first, steer to the  driving side up to the extreme it is the best thing you can do.If you stuck a second and apply brake  without steering away the vehicle any thing can happen depends upon  your fate at that particular moment.If you steer the vehicle to the opposite side to save a crash then only anything ,some times worse than the previous can happen that also depends on your fate.

But what an experinced driver do is tp steer away the vehicle to the extreme point and brake the vehicle simultaneously.

Experience  is worth and gain by practice only.And no alternative to repalce.

So be very care ful.All the best as a Good Safety friendly driver or rider.And always follow traffic rules.
