New drivers repeats 7 mistakes

If you are a new driver who just passed the  driving skill test and obtained a new  driving license to drive a CAR  these mistakes might follow you unless  correct these irregularity in due time.

Clutch Riding

Clutch riding means putting your left leg in the clutch pedal while driving and depressing the pedal        unnecessarily even when the vehicle is moving.This will cause excessive wear and tear to the Clutch Friction plate.
The Correct procedure is to keep the left foot off from the clutch pedal while driving and depress the  pedal when it become necessary.
Clutch Disc and Assembly

The clutch is used for two purposes :
  • For Shifting Gear
  • For Moving the vehicle from static position by gradual engagement of clutch.

Use  of CLUTCH  as brake to stop the vehicle

This is the most worst thing observed in a new driver.Majority of them will use Clutch Pedal to stop the vehicle in desired spot instead of using the brake pedal. what will Happens?
When we depress the clutch pedal to stop a vehicle the Engine will be disengaged from the wheels and consequently the wheels will roll little more faster rate.The result will be increased vehicle speed which is totally opposite to the desired result.
So Never depress clutch pedal if you are going to stop the vehicle

Need for improved positioning of the CAR

The new drivers often fails to  position the vehicle with respect to other vehicles while on road .At the same time the judgment skills  while on road are also need to be increased . Improved  observation skills as well as  judgment skills are the identity of safe driving measures of a new driver .
These skill can be developed with their own interest  and constant practice only.The better the skills the better will be the driving standards .

Need for Better Judgment 

Being a driving student, presence of a tutor will be always available during the course.The situation will be changed if the person obtain the Licence and drives vehicle alone.At this circumstances chances for additional help will be zero.The driver himself/herself need to do all these things.That means the driver is forced to take appropriate decision based on his or her judgment on other road users .
How to improve this? 
Answer is simple.Observe the road carefully.Make trial judgments when the road is risk free or you are not actually driving the vehicle.Wait  for the out come.Compare the things with differences noticed.It is also better to observe the driving skills of an experienced driver.

Lack of Anticipation

Anticipation is another skill  a new driver bound to develop to become a safe driver.Lot of accidents and road inconveniences could be averted due to best application of mind,which  is in fact the direct result of anticipation of possible developments on roads.Anticipation also need good observance and judgment about all the objects available on road and need better practice to become a safer driver.
