Fear to Drive in Kerala Roads

Lot of  drivers coming  to kerala  are uncomfortable  to drive in Kerala High ways?
Is it True ?

Its true for certain extent. Especially in Wadakkancheryy to Walayar Stretch of National Highway 544.
Reason is very Simple.
There are 38 Speed Detection Cameras in the stretch with 19 numbers on each side.That too the distance between the cameras are just 2 to 5 KM .

Hooowww......Its terrible....cant imagine .

The speed Limits in the National Highways are 100 KMph. Whenever a vehicle speed exceed the limit the offence will be booked automatically.If you are exceeding speed at more than one camera,each one will record your speed and will be registered as separate charge.
And the most horrible part is the amount  for compounding the offence.
Dude...Its Rs 1500 /charge.If you have been caught in 10 cams in a single journey you will receive 10 separate notices and you have to pay 15000/= as fine.Its getting tougher than foreign countries.

Earlier You could avoid Speed Cams in the higway by reducing the speed near the cameras.Now its something difficult.The Kerala MVD has introduced average speed calculation algorithm to calculate speed between two camera poles.

Hence its safe for us to keep the speed limit beyond 100 both save our lives and money.

A Doctor dude from neighbouring state got 166 Tickets for over speed.His caluclated approximate fine is around 2.25 Lakhs..........
