Drunk diving is one of the major cause of road Accident all around the globe.The Blood or Breath alcohol Concentration is the main criteria for measuring influence of alcohol.But the allowed limit of BAC is diffrent in various countries .Some Countries prefer Urine alcohol level also.Imprisonment ,Fine ,point system and Community service or Social Service are the common pattern of punishments prevailing in majority countries.
BAC blood Alcohol Concentration ,BrAC, breath Alcohol Concentration are the primary citeria for measuring blood alcohol concentration.BAC directly give the concentration of alcohol in the blood wheras the BrAC gives the level of alcohol concentration in the breath of the suspect.Using the BrAC element the BAC can be stimated.
Breath anlyser
A breath analyzer a device used to detect BAC level using breath .It does not estimate the alcohol level directly .Instead breath anlyser do it indirectly.The out put is a valid piece of evidence for law enforcement agencies.
WHO classification
The WHO has classified drunken driving laws as good law and not good law based on certain magnitudes.BAC level for general public and young drivers are the main criteria.WHO consider good drunken driving law when BAC not more than 0.05mg/dl for general and 0.02g/dl for young drivers.
Indian Position
As per WHO stnadards the legal procedure existing in india aganist drunken drivers are not sufficent to curb the meance which is identified as one of the leading cause of road accident all over the world.Lack of special magnitude for novice young driver is the other reason to consider indian law is in sufficent.