Drivers Duty in the event of Road Accident and Injury

Motor Vehicles are very common in our roads.People  just cant imagine to live without  motor vehicles.Similarly  road accident and injury arising out of the use of  motor vehicle at public place are also common .In the event o a road accident ,in which   bodily injury to any of the person either  the driver itself or passengers or third party,the driver or the Owner of the Motor Vehicles have certain duty to complied with.This duty is a statutory duty imposed upon the Driver or Other person of  a motor Vehicle Involved in road accident.Any violation will attract suitable punishment.

Responsibility and Legal Liability

As per Section 134 of the Motor Vehicles Act ,1988,as amended in 2019,the Driver of the vehicle involved in the road accident  or Other Person
 in charge of the vehicle,shall intimate the matter to the respective  authorities ,namely  police and Insurance Company.

Most Important Duty in the case of an accident with injury to third person  including  passengers ,is to take all reasonable steps to  Secure Medical Attention to all the injured person. Reasonable steps means utilizing the chances to shift the injured person to  hospital or Registered Medical Practitioner within reasonable time.It must be done within the Golden Hour of road accident.

Duty of Medical Practitioner

The Registered Medical Practitioner shall give  immediately attend the  case and render any medical aid or service without waiting for completion of  any legal procedures.


If it is not practical to give care and medical attention to the injures person ,due to  the fury of mob,or any other reason beyond control,this duty is dispensed with.Other wise as per the provision of M V Act ,will be held applicable.
