Drunken Driving is the major cause of Road Accident

Drunken Driving is mixing alcohol with driving.It is a real threat to road users of all category and third part property damage also.It incurs loss of life,serious injuries simple injuries and property damages.The loss in terms of currency  is very high under this head when we tabulate the statistics.

Legal limit of Blood Alcohol Concentration  ( BAC) 
The B A C  limit in India is 30 mg of alcohol per 100 ml alcohol. 

The BAC level depends upon the weight ,sex and metabolism of the person who consume it.The time gap is also important factor.It decreases in each 45 minutes of break.

Relation ship with Road Accidents
Drunk driving and road accidents are directly related to each other.

The  concept of drunken driving is falling under the head of human error.Its of course a human error but the error developed due to the presence of alcohol in blood.

Recent Study in America shows that 43 % of  individuals participated in the survey states that they never mix alcohol with steering.The remaining 57 % do it.The survey further shows that 25.4% believe that  one or two pegs will affect the  driving performance.At the same time 9.4%believe that they can consume 5/6 pegs at the maximum and  keep the vehicle safe.

Symptoms drunken driving

-    Absence of  Co Ordination between  Eye ,Hands and Legs while driving

-    Increased or Poor Reaction Time

-    Vision and Movement impairment

-    Delayed Decision Making

-    Loss of Concentration

When anlaysing cause of accident , all the mentioned features are  connected to human errors also.

This create difficulties to the  authorities  to get  the real cause of accident.

When the investigation was under process after passing of critical hours  BAC level may be so low and  it is difficult to trace out the influence of drinks in the mishap.

Booking Drunken Driving

Drunken Driving is an offense in India if  BAC is above 30 mg at the time of test .

The Punishment will be Disqualification of Driving License or Imprisonment.

The BAC can be measured either by using  devices like Breath Analyzer or by conducting laboratory test.

The inspecting officer may arrest the accused if found drunk.The accused will be produce before the court of judicature as per procedure.

Breath Analyzer Tests
A police officer or officer of MVD may require any person driving or attemping to Drive a motor vehicle at a public place to provide for one or more specimen of breath  for breath test,if the officer has reason to believe that the person who drives  or attempt to drive has a BAC level more than 30 mg per 100 ml or suspected to be drunk.The breath test may be conducted by using a breath analyzer.

Laboratory Test
The police officer  may require the drunken person to provide specimen of blood for laboratory test in addition to the breath test and if the suspected person refuses to give specimen for breath .

If it appears from the breath test carried out on the person,using breath analyzer ,presence of blood alcohol above the 30 mg  the officer MAY arrest that person without warrant.

If the BAC level is above 30 mg  the accused may be punished with imprisonment  up to 6 months or with fine Rs 10000 or with both  for the first offense and for subsequent offense  imprisonment may extend to 2 years or fine Rs 15000/- or both.

In addition to these punishment  the Licensing Authority may Suspend or Disqualify the holder from holding driving license for a period fixed by the Licensing Authority .
