BS VI Norms Soon

By 2020  ,BS VI vehicles will hit on indian roads.The ministry Road Transport and Highways is  preparing the norms for BS VI vehicles in inida.As per the new Norms developed by the Goverment,an On Board Digononsis systme is mandatory for all vehicles/.At the same time it focus in reduction of Particulate Matters from current 0.025 gm/Km  level  to 0.015 gm/km  for diesel vehicles .The NOx level will be reduced from 0.25 to 0.08  gm /km  for diesel vehicles and .08 to .06 gm/km for petrol vehicles.The sulphur content will be reduced form 50 ppm to 10 ppm.The BS VI norms is equivalent to Euro VI Norms.

For removing the particulate matter from the exhust gas a special Diesle particulate matter filter  need to be accomodated inside the engine hood,for which little space need to be spared.At the same time to reduce the Nitrogen Oxide ( NOx ) levle special catlytic reduction facility need to be introduced.

Changes in abstract

Level of Sulphur Content           50 ppm  to 10 ppm                                                      
Level of  NOx                             0.25 to 0.08  gm /km  FOR DIESEL                          
                                                    0.08 to 0.06 gm/km    FOR  PETROL                        
Particulate Matters                      0.025 gm/Km  level  to 0.015 gm/km  FOR DIESEL     
Proposed Implementation Date for implementation of BS VI standards is   01/04/2020
Air quality is  getting more worse in Delhi
New Maruti Vehicle with BS VI approval
