Traffic Penalty will not change in india

The Penalty or Compounding Fees for traffic offence in india will not change soon beacause the proposed Road Safety bill,was lpased. For making any chages in the punishments or increasing the amount of  Penalty to be collected from offenders,the Motor Vehicles Act 1988 need to be amended.For such amendement the proposal shall be passed by the union parliament.The bill,which was cleared by the Loksabha was not passed in the Rajya Sabha .

This does not mean the punishement and penalty will be remain the same for long period.The newly elected goverment can propose new bill in the new session of parliament and if it is cleared in the Rajya Sabha the amendement will take place.

The ealier bill had provisons which would be aganist the job and remuneration of transport vehicles drivers in  case of road accidents.As a result  the bill faced lot of objection from the political parties and other stake holders.
