Action against illegal lights by MVD kerala

Last Week Kozhikode  district witnessed massive  action by MVD enforcement Team against un -authorized use of spot lights and against bulbs fitted with high intensity lights.Around 450  vehicles including Motor Cycles and Cars were checked and cases were registered against 365 vehicles.The Amount of Fine collected in this operation is around 2.15 Lakhs of rupees.

According to MVD use of un authorized lights or lights producing high intensity light beams are one of the major cause of road accident occurring during night.This type of Lights creates temporary blindness among other road users including drivers of approaching vehicles.The mandatory requirement for registration of a vehicle is that it shall have head lights ,producing white light,as stipulated in Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 ,The specification of  all type of lights including head light ,park lights and indicators are elaborated in Automotive India Standards in AIS 7.The vehicle manufactures need to comply with these provision while delivering the vehicles.

The trend among people today is to decorate the vehicle with various colors of lights  in different shapes.Use of  blue,green lights are not allowed in the exterior side of a vehicle.But people prefer different colors even in the front side of the vehicle.The blinking high wavelength type LED lights create vision problem to lot of oncoming vehicle drivers.Certain lights with the combination of its color and intensity cause temporary blindness for seconds.In road safety carelessness for a second is sufficient to cause a major road accident.

In the present action MVD is focusing to remove the lights as far as possible .As per rules ,MVD can issue notice to remove the un authorized alteration.If the owner produce the vehicle after rectification of the defect,officer who booked case against  the vehicle may compound the offence ,as per the charges made in the case.If the  vehicle not produced for inspection after rectification of defect,the officer who prepared the charge may  put forward the case before the Registering Authority of the region,where the charge has been made ,for cancellation of registration for stipulated period on the ground the the vehicle not complying with the provisos made in the  Motor Vehicles Act or Rules,The Registering Authority or Additional Registering Authority may cancel the validity of the Registration Certificate,for a period it found reasonable .Before exercising this power the authority need to hear the registered owner of the vehicle.

The SAFE KERALA Enforcement Team of MVD is planning to spread the checking activities to the entire district to  contain the light menace.The district may witness intensive checking  for capturing the un authorized lights on the oncoming days.


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