MV Act 88 and its enforcement

Road safety and Enforcement of Motor Vehicles act are directly connected.When the provisions of the acts are enforced strictly our roads become safer and safer.That means enforcement of the act is not stricter in all sense.Motor Vehicles Department is the primary agency responsible for enforcement of the act and its provisions.Since the matters related to road transport and vehicles involves lot of technical question ,technical qualification is mad mandatory for executive officers.Certain area are strictly reserved for technical officers only.That means technical qualification is mandatory to discharge these functions.Central government reserve the power to fix the minimum technical qualification required.State government are vested with the duty to create a motor vehicles department to discharge the duties in accordance with law as intended by the central government.Central Government fixed a qualification for the categorize inspector of Motor vehicles and above.These IMV is the executive wing of the motor vehicles department.The statutory powers are reserved for these officers and all the executive officers are IMV. But the things are turned back in practical.Few of the state like Haryana still not formed Motor Vehicles Department.The powers of Licensing authority is delegated tot the School principals ,contrary to the intention of Central government vide the requirement of providing MVD.Similarity the power of registration of vehicles is given to the thasildar and like revenue officer.Such technically illiterate officers are issuing certificate stating that this vehicle complies with the provisional of MV Act and rules ,Which are technical in nature and also certify that the vehicle complies with the specification approved by vehicle testing laboratory.Revenue officers ,instead of issuing encumbrance certificate and possession certificate issuing Registration Certificate of vehicle that too certifying that the vehicle complies with the rules made thereunder. Few states like kerala and other southern states are only enforcing the law in strict sense.Other state treat it as a revenue earning department.Safety is not a concern for such state.They are registering vehicle not confirming to the rules and such vehicles enter to other state.Vehicle with excess length and width are such items. In some state like Nagland authorities are registering vehicle with 3 or Axles having payload more than the load permitted in the act and rules.Such authorities are working as a self styled office such a manner Central rules have no value.Such vehicles are entering to kerala and creating traffic issues.Excessive length and dangerous extension of widths are the major issues. Few state like kerala and southern states are doing something in this connection. The urgent need in this situation is intervention of central to bring uniform procedure
