Sundar and Sundar committee

Sunder And Sunder Committee reports In the absence of productive outcome form the research advisor of Road transport wing of Morth,ministry decided to out sourced the requirement of a consolidated report on the proposal of amending existing Motor Vehicles Act 1988.Obibiously Mr Sundar was ministry prime choice in this matter as the ministry thinks ,Mr Sundar is a person who have adequate knowledge on the matters related to Road Transport and its management. And according to ministry records Sundar is the only one person who is competent to do any report and study in this field. Mr sundar is not an expert in matters of road transport,He was a nominee of vehicle manufactures association especially TATA.He was formerly in charge of TERI,a tata sponsored institute.He was projected by the vehicle manufactures association to hijack the existing rules and regulation in motor vehicles act and rules.It appears that ,since ministry is running in blindness ,vehicle manufactures association simply interfered in policy making in favour of them.Mr sundar is a short cut to that objective. In fact sundar has submitted few reports in the matter Raod safety policy and Till date no action was taken by the ministry to implement the recommendation. And it pertinent to mention here that the recommendation made by Mr Sundar is not at all effective or not suggesting any remedy to the issues discussed in the matter. One of the main drawbacks of the said reports was lack of information and awarness on road traffic related matters and its multiple effect on the society. A person who conduct study on a matter which is very critical in international observation, even though in national level it is treated as a least important issue, shall have through knowledge as well as well founded information on the matter. Such report shall contain effective methods to solve the existing problems. Unless such cost effective recommendation are put forward such report is not having any values. This appears to be the major drawback of sundar Report. Secondly the remedy suggested in one report is fully eliminated in the second report.For example in one of the report sudar recommend refreshment course for those involved in road accident and before renewal of driving license but in the report of Amendment of MV act ,the final report, the first recommendation never included in any where.
