Road accident cause

Rate of road accident in India is increasing and the country is the topper for maximum number of road accident related death in the world.There are lot of reason behind the situation.But the role of Ministry of road transport and highway is very interesting!!! The ministry has 2 subdivisions one for roads and highways and other for road transport . The hierarchy of the ministry starts from secretary and Director general for highways.Under these positions there are 2 additional director and an additional secretary.The portfolios allotted to these officers are related to highways construction and related matters.Road transport is not a subject for them and if so they are not technically qualified in related field to analyses the situation.Each state and territory is headed by chief engineer level officers to supervise highway matters.Whereas the road transport related matters is supposed to b handled by a joint secretary level officer and that too additional charge since he is in charge of administration of ministry affairs and vigilance officer of the ministry.He is always busy with administration matters and even if he is free not qualified to analyses the road accident or road safety related issues,that-lead our country to the 1st position in the world ,beating china and other Asian countries.Ministry feels that ,even in practical side ,our roads are filling with blood river of our brothers and sisters,even ministry men,the road traffic and road safety related subject are not big enough to handled by a single director.Because of this reason ,Director for IT ,RTI is given with the charge of road transport.Apart form this ministry got a single person to advise Road traffic matters. WHO and similar organization are very anxious about the increasing road accident rate in the world.But our ministry is not at all aware about the development taking place in and around and even in our roads.They are only keen to make roads ,not safe roads,just tareed area capable for motor traffic.
