Morth and road safety

As said earlier the joint secretary who is vested with charge of Road Transport is always buisy man.He is having full charge of administration as well as vigilance charge.Hence what is essential is a fully fledge division in the ministry it self.Road transport must be given with adequate attention.At present the only work as far as MORTH is concernd is purchasing few ambulance and cranes as well as deploying few officers for training at few places. In fact mistry got lot of work to be done .The mistry officals as well as its head or any body is not aware about the crucial role it has to be played to brindg down death rate in inidan roads. The union goverment has made the cetral motor vehicles act for uniform application of the law ,to govern movemnt of vehicles and related matter.State goverement is given with limited powers especially matters governing with public transport system.In that sphere also union goverment has made the statute clear an the duty of the state is just to fill the flesh to the skelton. Union goverment reserve absolute powers in the subjects Licensing ,Registration of vehicles ,Fitness and rules relating to punishement.The union goverment had done nothing till date to curb the road accidnet rate in the country eventhough its rate is alrmingly increasing.This is only becuse the concerned ministry is sitting mum on the suject ,which kill around 350 person a day and thousands paralysed.The loss to union exchequer is around 3% of GDP annuaally.Still the ministry is not aware of the situation and the Ministr of S T is also keeping mum.In european countries every organ of goverement together come in to action in the event of such a complicated issue. As said earlier inida is the country which records highest rate of road accident in the world but the vehicle population in india is far below. MORth got one person named sundar to study all the matter coming under it.It seems that there in no other qulified person in india to give a valid suggestion in the matter related to road traffic and related issues.Mr Sundar has conducted around 3 studies and prepared reoports before the ministry including amendement of the existing act and rules.It is surprising to see that the ministry has considered any of the reports.Further it is very intresting to see that Mr sundar has diffrent view about same matter in diffrent report.For example he has suggested for a refreshement train ng course for applicants of Driving License to reduce road accident.When he prepared report,suggesting totla modification of the existing licensing system ,he never mentioned about his previous proposal. What is urgently required is MORTH shall step in ot correct shoes and start introducing and implementing road safety project.It shall become the pilot agency to implement road safety campaign all over inida,not within few states.It shall give stingent direction delaing with license and other statutory matters.
